Imagine… No restrictive diet. No crazy exercise program.
How a 59-year-old Diabetic Man Slashed 80 points from his Fasting Blood Sugar — literally overnight!
Three days later, he stopped
taking insulin for good!
Danny Miller was born with two strong, healthy legs. And if he had known about the 1 food that kills diabetes, he might be walking today.
But late last year, doctors took a knife to his right leg, amputated half of it, and left Danny with a stump for the rest of his life.

That’s because Danny was one of 9 million Americans who have Type II diabetes but don’t know it –
Danny only discovered his diabetes after he went to his doctor complaining of pain in his foot and leg. That’s when he was diagnosed.
But by then, it was too late – his out-of-control blood sugar had been rampaging for years inside his body, pummeling the delicate blood vessels in his limbs …
… until his circulation got so bad his leg had to be amputated or it would have literally rotted…

Hi, I’m Dr. Marlene Merritt, Director of the Merritt Wellness Center in Austin Texas, and author of the monthly health letter, Dr. Merritt's Natural Health Connections. When I heard about Danny, I counted my blessings that I was able to spot my blood sugar problems in time…
And how lucky I am that I discovered how one tasty food can stop diabetes in its tracks.
In places where this food is regularly eaten, diabetes and obesity are virtually unknown. (But when they've stopped eating it, the rates of diabetes and obesity skyrocket.)
This food ends sugar cravings, melts away fat, and delivers long-lasting energy without spiking your blood sugar.
But chances are, you won't hear a doctor mention it.

That's why stories like Danny’s are becoming more common every day...
(by the way, Danny is a real person from Texas, but I changed his name to protect his privacy)
If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, I know how frustrating it can be
Because nobody wants to end up with amputations, or blindness, or kidney failure, or heart disease, or stroke, or any of the other painful complications and diseases that are closely linked to out of control blood sugar (even cancer and Alzheimer’s!)
We’re ready to do whatever our doctor tells us …
Take the meds, count the carbs, test our levels constantly …
And that’s when we realize …
When you live with diabetes, suddenly it’s like you have a second full time job
(but instead of paying you, this extra job drains hundreds of dollars a month in test strips, lancet needles, insulin shots, medication, extra lab tests, and those panicky races to the emergency room if you get too low)
and most people don’t understand, even well-meaning friends and family --
They might sigh in frustration when you go out to a restaurant and you take a few extra minutes to scour the menu, looking for something that won’t send your blood glucose skyrocketing …
You know what they’re thinking – “jeez, all you need to do is lose a few pounds with a little discipline … then your diabetes would vanish in a heartbeat … that’s what I would do …”

As if it were that easy
They don’t know what a challenge it is to keep your blood sugar in check …
They don’t know what it’s like to wake up every morning with an rigid schedule of testing your levels, exercising, eating before your blood sugar gets too low, taking tablets, testing … making sure you have a healthy lunch prepared before you leave the door, testing again at work, taking another tablet, making sure your replace your lancet and your expensive test strips …
...and even your endocrinologist may not be much help, giving meager advice about diet (“don’t eat sweets”) stuffing a pamphlet in your face as he’s watching the clock for his next patient …
Forcing you to look for information yourself, so you turn to the internet …
...and when you can avoid the horror photos of amputations and gangrenous, blackened fingers, you’re flooded with confusing information, much of it contradicting each other …
Well, if you’ve experienced anything like this,
It doesn’t have to be this way –
As I said, I’m Dr. Marlene,

And in this presentation I’m going to share my plan for how you can have healthy blood sugar and even reverse your Type II diabetes, just by making a few simple changes to the way you eat and move --
this solution for healthy blood sugar control works by flipping one tiny switch inside the cells of your body.
flipping this switch helps even Type II diabetics get off drugs and insulin injections (as you’ll see in a moment)
Just like John Hiatt was able to do – He completely eliminated his insulin shots in just 3 days! John told us:
“This was an epiphany. I thank God for Dr. Marlene.”
John’s pretty happy that he’s done sticking himself with a needle twice a day.
He’s also grinning about all the money he’s saving, money that used to go out-of-pocket to pay for insulin -- to the tune of $400 a month! As John put it, that adds up to a Hawaii vacation each year.
And John’s not alone. Charles W. from Waco, TX cut down on his insulin and completely eliminated one of his meds! He told us:
“My doctor eliminated one medication (Invokana) and lowered my Levemir insulin from 52 units twice a day to 40 units twice a day. I also have all but stopped injecting Humalog at meals. Dr. Marlene’s Solution has been a Godsend to me.”

And Robert C. from Canton, NC, who wrote to tell me:
“My A1C was 6.9...down from previous visit’s 7.4. Weight down 6 pounds. My doctor took me off Lantus. Blood Glucose readings are mostly within normal range... all from using the Dr. Marlene’s Solution.”

And Warlan B. from Mountainview, AR, who stunned her doctor:
My doctor had to cut my insulin dosages in half because my blood sugars have gone so low. I went from an A1C of 6.9 to one of 6.3 in twelve weeks, and I was only using [Dr. Marlene’s Solution] for the final six of those twelve weeks! He says he never heard of such a thing. I also lost eleven pounds in that same period, the only time in the last thirty years I've been able to lose any substantial weight. I brag about your plan to everyone I know. It works. And it's so EASY.”

In fact my diabetes solution is so easy, 81-year old Richard H. from Cooks, MI says you can do this “in your head”:
If you don't like lots of record keeping, and you don't want to have to buy exotic foods, you can do this plan in your head. My doctor was very happy with the results (I have also lost 5 pounds) and he said I am in the best health since I started seeing him some 5 years ago. I just celebrated my 81st birthday. THANKS for helping me get my health back!”

All these people were amazed how simple it is to flip their blood sugar switch – just like I was when I put it work for myself. You see,
this solution rescued me from the threat of diabetes –
And in today’s free presentation,
I’m going to show you exactly how to flip this switch using ONE tasty shortcut
They don’t know what a challenge it is to keep your blood sugar in check …
So keep reading, because I think you’re going to love it
(my patients rave about it!)
One reason why it continues to work for them year after year is that you don’t have to deprive yourself
- You won’t have to toss out your bread, pasta, or other carbs, because this is NOT a carb-elimination plan (when you eat carbs like I do, you don’t have to worry about spiking your blood sugar)
- You won’t have to trudge to the gym for 60 minute cardio sessions,
- You won’t need iron will power to make it work,
- You won’t go hungry,
- And best of all, you won’t be putting any nasty chemicals into your body, because this solution is 100% natural
And when you read this letter to the end, I’m also going to spill the beans about a 60-second trick to instantly lower blood sugar that I use when I want to indulge in a sugary treat, like this slice of blackberry pie
and this has nothing to do with drowning your food in cinnamon or taking cold showers or any silly gimmick you might have seen on the internet …

… it’s just solid science – this trick has been proven to lower blood glucose for up to 24 hours after eating!
So make sure you pay close attention (you may even want to grab a pen and paper), because the free information in this presentation could be taken down anytime; First, a little bit about me …
I’m Doctor Marlene Merritt,
and I help my neighbors here in Texas reverse chronic illnesses like Type II diabetes with natural solutions; because I believe that drugs and surgery should only be used as a last resort.
But in today’s corporate-driven healthcare system,

drugs are often the only solution that over-worked doctors resort to.
I believe there’s a better way -- most blood sugar problems, including Type II diabetes, can be solved with a natural approach.
But I have to admit I didn’t always know this.
It embarrasses me a little to admit it, but I had to nearly wreck my own blood sugar to discover this cure –
10 years ago, I started noticing some bizarre problems with my energy level and mood –
And though I didn’t realize it at first, these were the advance warning signs of blood sugar problems that, if left unchecked, could put me on the fast track to a diabetes diagnosis.
Maybe you were hit with some of these same symptoms long before doctors started throwing around the “D” word --
- Symptoms like being tired all the time, especially that afternoon slump that sends your racing for coffee at 2:30
- Lack of focus and frequent irritability (not a fun time for my husband!)
- Weight gain that sticks around or comes back no matter how many diets or sit-ups you try
- Intense sugar cravings and a strong need to eat every 2 or 3 hours
… these are all “S.O.S” signals from your body, waving a red flag that your blood sugar control is breaking down, even though it may take years before it shows up on blood tests like a fasting glucose or an A1C …
Which is why 1 in 4 Type II diabetics don’t even know they have the disease – that’s 8 million Americans walking around right now without a clue that their body’s metabolism has turned against them, pummeling their sensitive nerves and organs year after year …

Until, in many cases, they literally cannot walk anymore when their out-of-control blood sugar has destroyed their limbs, so the only solution left is for their doctors to slip out a bone saw and slice off a foot …
Just like Willie Campbell experienced...
But what really sent a shiver down my spine was when I learned about the hidden link between diabetes and the two modern epidemics that are destroying the lives and the dignity of too many of our loved ones …
Cancer and
Alzheimer’s disease:
and that’s because first, cancer tumors feast on excess blood sugar to grow bigger and bigger -- Harvard Medical School’s Cancer Center director, Lewis Cantley, indicated that up to 80% of all human cancers have poor glucose and insulin control as instigating factors.
… and for Alzheimer’s, the link is even stronger …
which is why mainstream medicine has now begun calling Alzheimer’s Type THREE diabetes.
in fact, it’s been found that Type II diabetics age 60 and over are twice as likely to succumb to Alzheimer’s than non-diabetics
and that’s because poor glucose and insulin control is thought to contribute to the sticky, plaque-like protein formations responsible for Alzheimer’s …

… a disease that’s a living nightmare to the victim and the family (imagine waking up to your spouse of fifty years, who gapes at you in confusion and stammers, “Who are you?”) So I was lucky to have my medical training when my blood sugar problems started,
because it gave me the tools to cut through the tangled advice surrounding diabetes and discover the solution to my problems.
I admit, I was taken down several false paths …
like falling for the bureaucratic hype that the government-created Food Pyramid was the road to health …
but as my health got worse, I dug deeper … and I was shocked to learn that more Americans developed Type II diabetes during the years of the Food Pyramid, from 1980 to 2012, than ever before -- a whopping 166% increase of recorded cases!
Thankfully, I also discovered the work of a few maverick researchers
like the endocrinologist Robert Lusting of the University of California, who challenged the received wisdom and discovered the truths about the effects of the so-called “S.A.D” – the Standard American Diet …
… and that revealed the missing piece that can flip the switch I told you about a moment ago …
The moment I discovered this, I applied it to my life, and the results came fast … I went from sneaking in naps between my patients, just to make it through the day … to feeling more energy than I had since my teenage years; I could feel my blood sugar dropping … and I knew it wasn’t just me …
because this “switch” solution has been tested in randomized studies on Type II Diabetics with unmistakable results:
In one study , 95.2% of the participants dropped their blood glucose so much that they significantly reduced or outright ELIMINATED their blood sugar medications,
and insulin dosages for these diabetics also plummeted, with HALF of the participants ELIMINATING their insulin shots completely …
and as an added bonus, the participants lost an average of 24.47 pounds!
And another study witnessed 9 out of 10 participants significantly reduce their medications… with 4 of those 9 getting off ALL their drugs and insulin.
Can you imagine how it would feel to toss out your Blood Sugar drugs forever … or never have to start taking them in the first place?
Imagine freeing yourself from their expense and painful side effects ….
Everything from the annoying -- like the diarrhea, headache, and vomiting that’s common with Metformin …
To the potentially fatal – like bladder cancer, which has been so closely linked to the popular diabetes drug ACTOS that France and Germany have yanked it off the market.
ACTOS has also been implicated in heart failure, causing the FDA to crack down with their strongest warning – every box of ACTOS sold must now display a “black box” warning label.

and it’s not just the side effects … imagine ending the anxiety of checking your blood sugar levels five times a day with painful pin pricks and expensive glucose test strips,
or never having to poke another insulin needle into your skin;
Now, to be clear, I don’t recommend my patients go off their meds cold turkey – instead,
I work with them to lower their blood sugar naturally until their doctor happily cancels their prescriptions.
I’m not against drugs when they’re medically necessary,
But often times they’re not
Because drugs only treat the symptoms…. sure, in some cases a drug like Metformin can nudge a bit more blood sugar out of your blood stream …
… but this brute force approach doesn’t heal the underlying cause of the disease, which means you get stuck on drugs for life.
plus, for many people, the drugs stop working over time,
as their bodies adapt to these foreign substances …
so they’re forced on higher and higher doses …
… or even get a one-way ticket to the “drug merry go-round”, trying out a new drug every few months (and sampling a new load of side effects in the bargain).

Too many people live like this and it just isn’t necessary ---
especially when there’s a solution that’s safe, effective and actually enjoyable...
because one of the “loopholes” of my solution is that I get to enjoy foods that used to be off-limits --
Like this juicy steak with melted garlic butter, or this crispy strip of bacon –
Food that programs my body to burn sugar, instead of letting it run loose in my body.
So now I don’t have to worry about succumbing to diabetes or spiking my blood sugar every time I eat a meal; I don’t get hungry every three hours, and I don’t struggle against sugar cravings.

And that’s because I’ve learned how to flip the “blood sugar switch” that controls my blood sugar, my weight, and my energy levels
This blood sugar switch is built into every cell in your body, and it determines whether you have blood sugar problems or you don’t
When this switch is “ON”, blood sugar flows into your cells, giving you a steady supply of energy all day long;
… but when this switch is “OFF”, blood sugar is locked out of your cells, which leads to a dangerous build-up of it in your blood stream.
As you may know, once carbs hit your body, they break down into glucose, or blood sugar, to be burned in your cells as energy …
but glucose can’t get into the cells by itself – it needs an “escort”: the hormone insulin insulin, a storage hormone released by the pancreas, pulls the glucose out of your blood stream and pushes it into your cells, where the glucose is burned for energy But for some of us, a weird problem develops ….
… that prevents us from burning glucose for energy …
After years of too many carbs, our bodies over-react and start to release too much insulin at every meal …
And when this goes unchecked for several years …
Your cells begin to IGNORE insulin!
This is called Insulin Resistance, and that’s when your blood sugar switch gets stuck in the OFF position …
… locking out glucose …
forcing your pancreas to pump out even more insulin …
but this just triggers even more Insulin Resistance … and so it goes, on and on, in a downward spiral …
Until finally your pancreas gets cooked and the flow of insulin slows to a trickle … which means all that extra glucose pools up in your blood stream,
and that’s when glucose degrades from a useful energy source to a deadly POISON –
because when glucose is free to roam through your bloodstream, it’s like a corrosive acid, slowly breaking down your body, one organ at a time …
like when it destroys the tiny capillaries in your eyes and you go blind …

and bursts the blood vessels in your kidneys, causing total kidney failure, so you’re chained to a dialysis machine 3 times a week for the rest of your life (or pray for a transplant) …
and this rampant glucose restricts blood circulation to the point your feet need to be amputated (diabetics suffer from more non-accident amputations than anyone else).
But these problems can be completely avoided … simply by flipping our blood sugar switch back to the “ON” position
here’s how –
follow this one simple tip, starting today, and you’ll unlock an abundant source of new energy and feel fantastic, maybe for the first time in years,
… this energy source is one that you’ve probably been deprived of (because of years of misinformation and slow-as-molasses government policy),
but it is absolutely necessary for life and it’s also extremely delicious --
I’m talking about dietary fat, like the kind found in butter, eggs, cheese, olives, red meat and fresh fish.
Fat is a great fuel for your body because it is extremely energy dense (every gram of fat has 2.25 times more energy than a gram of carbohydrate) and contrary to a long-standing myth, fat doesn’t clog up your arteries.

Most important, this energy source doesn’t flood your body with insulin;
Which is why adding fat into your diet is critical to reversing insulin resistance and halting dangerous blood sugar spikes.
In fact, when a group of overweight, Type II Diabetic patients added fat back into their diets, their sensitivity to insulin increased by an amazing 75% … in just TWO weeks!
… and here’s something you’ll really love … even though the participants were eating more fat, they actually lost weight … with an average of 3.6 pounds lost in 14 days … that’s almost one pound every four days!
… and that’s because you can only burn fat once insulin is out of your blood stream --
insulin, in addition to storing glucose, also stores fat (it’s a storage hormone, so it stores everything) – so once you stop those dangerous insulin surges, your body is free to fire up its fat burning furnaces again;
One other result that might shock you is how this change in eating began to lower their risk for heart disease …
because their triglycerides, a key marker for heart disease, dropped by 35% and overall cholesterol by 10% in this same two week time period –
And that’s because dietary fat, including saturated fat, doesn’t clog your arteries --
For example, in a landmark study that examined 347,747 people over 23 years, NO LINK was found between saturated fat intake and heart disease and stroke
Fat also makes food taste good, so you don’t crave added sugar
Fat makes you feel full, so you don’t want to over-eat (it activates the hormone leptin, your body’s “I’m full” signal)
and fat repairs your body – it helps to rebuild cell walls …
… and here’s something else: you must have enough fat to absorb essential nutrients and vitamins – for example, your body cannot absorb Vitamins A, D, K, or E without fat (so it doesn’t matter how many IU’s of Vitamin D you gobble down if you don’t get enough fat!)
So yes, it’s time to eat
Creamy butter instead of an artificial spread,
Real crispy bacon,
and pour cream in your coffee instead of tasteless skim milk (yuck!)
And imagine how easy it is to enjoy vegetables again when you smother your next helping of green beans in butter?
When you restore fat to your diet, you’ll start eating as your ancestors did and feel the difference in your renewed energy and see it in your lower blood sugar levels …
And once you combine eating fat with the other cornerstones of my healthy blood sugar plan, you’ll have a powerful arsenal at your finger-tips to destroy the scourge of diabetes and high blood sugar once and for all,
and here’s how:
I’ve gathered my entire plan for healthy blood sugar and fashioned it into a step by step guide called …
“Smart Blood Sugar:
Healthy Blood Sugar For Life”

This is the simple plan you’ve been waiting for, because it cuts through the confusing and contradictory information out there by zeroing in on the exact steps you can take today to heal your blood sugar for good.
Inside its pages, you’ll find strategies, tools, and dozens of tips on how to fix your blood sugar and reverse Type II diabetes without relying on drugs, spending a fortune on food, or wasting a lot of time.
You’ll Discover …
Which fats to eat and which to avoid – although most fats are healthy, some are deadly … especially the #1 most common cooking oil you must stop using today (it can cause runaway inflammation in your joints and trigger heart attacks)
… You’ll also discover how to make healthy choices a no-brainer by “insulin-proofing” your kitchen and pantry.
And here’s something fun – you get to toss out, or at least never buy again, any carton, tub, or package with the words “no fat,” “low fat” or “lite” on the label. Say good-bye to fat free cottage cheese forever!
You’ll also discover …
… how to satisfy your sweet tooth with the sweetener that’s 300% sweeter than sugar and that’s safe to enjoy (most artificial sweeteners are nothing more than toxic junk – I’ll show you which ones to avoid and the TWO that are safe)
…. the “miracle noodle” that has zero calories and doesn’t spike blood sugar (your pasta days are not over!)
… which kinds of oils give you quick, healthy energy …
for example, did you know that coconut oil is a “medium chain fatty acid” that mimics the quick energy of carbohydrates? You can dip some of this tropical treat in your coffee or even lick it off a spoon for a fast pick me up! (I’ll show you which two kinds of coconut oil to look for)

You’ll also see …
… the tasty nut-butter snacks I use for “hunger emergencies” these treats are small enough to slip into my purse or glove compartment (my favorite flavor is maple almond!)
… an ancient religious practice that’s been shown to lower insulin resistance, increase growth hormone, burn fat, and lower fasting insulin levels (without an ounce of exercise!)
…. and a trunk-full more of everyday strategies and tips (like the 9 ingredients you should have in stock at all times) that together will flip your blood sugar switch to “ON” for the rest of your life.
Now, How Fast Can You Expect To See Results?
Most of my patients using the Smart Blood Sugar plan notice almost immediate changes – if not overnight, then in the first few days.
Usually, the first change is in their mood and energy levels. They’re no longer members of the “3 PM zombie brigade” … suddenly they can focus all day.
And after about a week, you might look down and notice a slimmer waistline -- Many of my patients report fat loss of 3 to 7 pounds in the first week; (How’s that for a “side effect”?)
Next, as the weeks go by, blood tests for glucose levels begin to show improvement, as your cells begin to recover from insulin resistance.

The amount of improvement depends on several factors, including how closely you follow the plan … but I’ve had many patients who have reduced their drug prescriptions or even eliminated them completely:
Like my patient Renee C, who wrote to me:
“I have also stopped taking two other medications I was on. I have lost 30 pounds and lowered my glucose levels by 20 points.”
Or Scott T. who told me,
“ … I feel better today than I have in over 10 years. I have been amazed at the mental clarity, energy and focus, plus the 20 lbs. and 7+ inches off my waist is an added bonus.”
And Frauke B., who came to me with complaints of extreme fatigue, digestive issues, and yo-yoing weight that she just couldn’t keep off.
At her first appointment, I put her on my Smart Blood Sugar plan.
In the first 7 days, she lost 8 pounds … to date she’s lost almost 40 pounds!
And she’s no longer fighting constant fatigue.
Frauke says,
“I have such a different outlook … it’s been awesome.”
The biggest surprise?
Frauke says,
“Eating real fats, butter, oil, bacon … I had never considered that could work so well, because then you’re satisfied.” And the plan has been “completely easy” according to Frauke; it helps that she gets to indulge in her favorite treat: German “black bread”, smothered in butter and topped with a nice sharp cheese.
As she says,
“As long as I can have that bread, with butter and cheese, I’m good.”
Look, I’m not promising to reverse your blood sugar problems or your diabetes overnight.
These problems weren’t made in a day, and they won’t be unmade in a day, and to claim anything else would just be dishonest.
But I do believe that our bodies possess the ability to heal themselves... We just have to get out of their way and give them the building blocks they need --
That’s what
Smart Blood Sugar does
And It Does It At A Price So Low, It’s Almost Free; (In Fact, In Just A Moment You’ll See How To Get Its Life Changing Benefits Without Paying A Penny)
Now, if you were to come to my wellness center, you’d be looking to spend anywhere from $360 to $550 for a series of visits to help you succeed on this plan.
The first visit alone costs $150 … and even then, we couldn’t cover everything that Smart Blood Sugar reveals …
So it seems fair to price Smart Blood Sugar at $150
And although I think that’s a great value for what it can do for you …

You won’t pay that today, because I want to make sure I can help as many people as possible …
after all, I believe diabetes and the diseases it leads to are a national epidemic that can be completely avoided, and I’m on a mission to help make this a reality –
Plus, by reading this to the end, you’ve proven that you’re committed to learning how to cure your blood sugar problems, so I want to make that an easy decision right now, because time just isn’t on our side when it comes to unhealthy blood sugar.
That’s why I’m slashing over $100 off that price, so you make a one-time payment of just--

Yes, just $27! That’s less than you’d pay for "dinner for two" at a nice restaurant!
Thousands have succeeded with this simple plan, and I know you can, too.
This is your chance to fix your blood sugar problems naturally, starting today, before they do any more damage to your body.
And it’s the best chance you have, in my opinion, of avoiding or reversing full blown diabetes and all its nasty complications, like blindness and amputations – plus, you build an iron shield against diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s For all that, I think $47 is an extreme bargain.
I would have gladly paid ten times this amount for this plan ten years ago – it would have saved me a bundle of time learning how to heal my blood sugar by following a step by step plan.
And let me make this decision even easier -- I don’t want you to risk a penny of your money –
After all, you and I haven’t met in person, shaken hands in my office or at one of my many lectures across the country, so I completely understand if you feel a little iffy about handing a stranger your .
No offense taken – I’d feel the same way.
So That’s Why I Make The Following Promise:
If you aren’t satisfied with Smart Blood Sugar for any reason whatsoever (even if you don’t like the colors on your membership page) then just ask for a refund in the next 60 days and you get all your money back.
This means you can try it out risk free – 60 days is more than enough time to see if it’s working for you, I promise –

and if it doesn’t work, or you just don’t like it, simply send an email to XXX with the subject line XXX and I’ll reverse the charges on your credit card payment. Or you can call XXX and get your money back right away;
In other words, my natural solution works for you or it's FREE!
So, what’s to lose? Nothing but your blood sugar problem!
The next step is to click on “Order Smart Blood Sugar” below.
Once you do, you’ll be taken to our secure order form that looks like this.

It uses the most secure Socket Layer 128 Bit Encryption, so your credit card and personal information are safe.
Once your order is processed, you'll go right to your member’s web-page where you’ll get immediate access to the Smart Blood Sugar guide and all its life-changing information, which you can easily download to your computer and start reading right away.
We'll also rush a hard copy of Smart Blood Sugar to your home, so you can read it in your favorite armchair, or even in bed at night.
I believe your body has the ability to naturally heal itself, if you just give it the basic building blocks of good health, while also eliminating a few things that may be hurting your health.
And because I want you to heal your blood sugar as fast as possible, I will also set up your membership page to give you immediate access to –
a combined value of $89.95 for FREE --
Let me tell you about these Bonuses really quickly, because they are designed to make following the Smart Blood Sugar Plan easy and automatic --
“7 Day Meal Plan”
Here’s the deal: I handed the Diabetes Reversal Recipe to an expert chef and asked her to design simple-to-follow recipes… for delicious, scrape-the-bottom-of-the-plate meals… that follow the Diabetes Reversal Recipe to a “T”. And boy did she deliver!
She created months of these delicious, precisely calibrated recipes that are easy to make — most take 20 to 30 minutes, and many can be made in advance and frozen for the week. (Especially nice when you come home and just want to eat!)

And you get 7 days of these recipes for free — with Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for the next week. Bar none, this is the easiest way to put the Diabetes Reversal Recipe into action.
And to make these recipes even more of a no-brainer, you also get a complete “Grab it ‘n’ Go” Ingredient Shopping List for every ingredient you’ll need for the meals. Just take the Shopping List with you to the grocery store, and you’ll be in and out in under an hour. Ready for the whole week. It couldn’t be simpler.
Plus, you’ll enjoy what happens when your family digs in to these dishes…
As Susan C. from Franklin, TX discovered…
“At first I wondered if my husband would be willing to try the recipes… but we couldn’t be happier! I have been cooking every meal and we both enjoy the meals and have not been hungry in between. I have lost 10 pounds and my A1C is at an all-time low of 5.8. My problem with eating healthy was always knowing what to cook, but with the grocery list and recipes it has truly been easy and enjoyable.”

And as you’ll see, you enjoy plenty of variety. Each one of these recipes draws from a huge list of foods that fight lower blood sugar.
And for your second free bonus, you get a handy guide to these foods, so you can “bullet proof” your pantry against high blood sugar…
“99 Foods for Diabetics”
These 99 foods have been shown in several studies to reduce insulin resistance, lower blood glucose levels, strengthen your immune system, and prevent diabetes-related complications like neuropathy, kidney failure, and blindness.
Plus, you’ll see why these 99 foods work: each food comes with a list of its key macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals and a concise explanation of how these specific nutrients lower high blood sugar.

And you’ll see these foods do a lot more than just battle high blood sugar…
Like the fruit that wards off gout attacks … the food that prevents bruising… the mild type of lettuce that can save your eyesight… the spice that soothes joints and calms upset stomach… plus dozens more health bonuses.
Of course, you don’t need to read the details — you can just select a food that gets your mouth watering and dig in.
Plus, you get three more bonus guides…
“How To Read a Food Label”
Food companies have invented all sorts of sly ways to sneak in junk ingredients… but they won’t make a fool out of you! With this handy guide, you’ll be able to spot blood sugar-raising ingredients at a glance.

“Carb Count Cheat Sheet”
This list of over 40 restaurant and packaged foods shows how you can safely eat yummy treats from Krispy Kreme, Subway, Olive Garden, and others. Enjoy eating out without missing out.

And last (and maybe most popular)…
“Alcohol That Works”
You’ll see how you can lower your blood sugar and still enjoy alcohol — even everyday if you choose. (Plus you get a bartender’s guide to 5 decadent, blood sugar-safe cocktails — including whiskey sours, cosmopolitans, and margaritas.)
As you can see, Smart Blood Sugar is more than the just the step by step guide, as valuable as that it is.
I want you to have the complete tool chest for lowering your blood sugar at your fingertips, and that’s exactly what you’ll get at your membership page –
The 7-day Meal Plan and Shopping List ($19.99)
The 99 Foods for Diabetics ($24.99)
How To Read A Food Label ($14.99)
Carb Count Cheat Sheet ($9.99)
The Smart Blood Sugar Guide to Alcohol That Works ($19.99)
And don't forget, you also receive...
The Smart Blood Sugar guide itself!
So, if you’re ready to lower your blood sugar the natural way, and get full support for the next 12 months, simply click “I Want Smart Blood Sugar!” below.
This is the fastest way to get well and enjoy a healthy new freedom. Let’s get started!
Do you have a few more questions?
Nope. You haven’t seen your last donut...
With Smart Blood Sugar, you’ll learn how to eat carbs in moderation --
You actually have to “track” very little … I’ll show you a list that takes up about a page of which carbs you need to watch and which ones you don’t; (Note – this doesn’t mean you have to avoid them completely, just be smart about enjoying them in moderation)
The GREAT NEWS is this means that you don’t have to count calories anymore -- because you’re watching your carb intake, your calorie consumption doesn’t matter as much.
Type One diabetes is when your pancreas does not produce any insulin at all. And while lowering your glucose load is tremendously helpful – and this is what you’ll learn in Smart Blood Sugar – it won’t by itself regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.
But what it WILL do is teach you how to reduce your carb load so that you don’t need so much insulin in your injections, which in turn will keep you from getting the illnesses that plague diabetics of BOTH types — total kidney failure, blindness from retinopathy, and the permanent loss of a foot or a leg to amputation.
Technically, the medical profession doesn’t allow for Type II diabetes to be “cured.” Instead, when all the symptoms are gone, it’s said to be in “remission” even if that remission lasts a lifetime.
And yes, the protocol in Smart Blood Sugar can put Type II Diabetes into remission.
Yes! Unlike some blood sugar plans out there, you can still drink milk and cream, eat cheese, and enjoy butter.
Surprisingly, no. It’s true that some of the ingredients I recommend cost more than cheap, manufactured goods that flood the aisles of our supermarkets …
but this is offset by the smaller amount of food you end up buying …
remember that fat makes you full, so you will spontaneously begin to eat less (because you WANT to,
not because you have to); plus, by reducing the amount of packaged, manufactured food, you’ll end up saving money --
So I think you’ll be surprised by the change in your grocery bill.
Well, like the word “diet” let’s not use the “e” word.
For too many people, “exercise” means hard, grueling, boring work … like 60 minute cardio sessions on a treadmill …
Just thinking about that makes me shudder...
Instead, when you move like I do, you get to slash your workout time considerably.
You’ll get access to a set of brief but stimulating workouts that quickly burn the stored glucose in your muscle cells … so the next time you go to eat, you get to replenish this energy, and not add to fat stores;
Brief, intense workouts also are a lightning fast way to reduce insulin resistance and flip your blood sugar switch to “ON” …
because study after study shows that high intensity exercise is the fastest way to reverse diabetes and insulin resistance, so you don’t want to leave this powerful tool on the table.
But again, we’re talking about just minutes a day -- nothing crazy;
I’ll show you a workout plan you can do in just 7 minutes. Even if you can’t move around much because of an injury, you’ll find workouts that fit your needs; And now I want to reveal my 60 second “cheat tip” for enjoying decadent desserts that I promised to show you – it’s fast and fun --
and you can do at home, at a restaurant, or even in an airplane bathroom!
The very next time you eat a cupcake or other sugary treat, and you’re worried about spiking your blood sugar and insulin, I want you to do this:
… simply excuse yourself and take a quick trip to the bathroom or bedroom …
and spend just 60 seconds on a “MICRO-workout” that engages a large muscle group, like your legs.
I recommend doing some air squats or lunges (you’ll see how to do these in your membership area)
This will burn the stored glucose in your muscles, causing those muscle cells to be hungry for the extra glucose from your dessert (this is an instant way to reverse insulin resistance)
Another way I help my patients is by guiding them to the right nutritional supplementation, and in Smart Blood Sugar I share what I’ve learned in my research.
I personally use supplements, because I know it’s not possible to get everything I need from the foods I eat; Our modern food – even the non-GMO, organic variety – isn’t the same as it used to be because of over-farming and soil depletion, and some foods are just hard to come by or are too expensive.
So I’ll show you the natural ingredients that have been shown by actual lab studies to lower insulin resistance, lower fasting blood sugar, and help block sugar cravings. (Like the leaf from the Philippines that assisted in a 30% drop in fasting blood sugar for Type II diabetics in just 2 weeks)
Yes – I really do live in Texas where I operate a Wellness Center alongside my husband, Dr. Will Mitchell.
We both practice natural medicine, which combines proven healing methods with the latest scientific research to address the total health of the person.
I have a master’s degree in Oriental Medicine, and I have been licensed as a doctor of Oriental Medicine by both the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners and the New Mexico Board of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; I also have a Master’s degree in Nutrition (along with certifications in both nutrition and bariatric counseling)
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CLICK Get Smart Blood Sugar below, and I’ll see you inside.